Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"Last Day of Freedom"

Today has been a productive day. 
I woke up around 8:30, and by 9:30 had won the daily struggle I fight with myself to go for a run. I've developed a semi-successful system of tricking myself into getting behind the idea of publicly sweating and struggling through four miles of exercise by picking an "exciting" location that I will "visit" as my turn-around point. Today's was the Brooklyn Bridge. Unfortunately what I thought was the Brooklyn Bridge turned out to be the Williamsburg Bridge. So rather than just running the easily accessible, appropriately-located bridge (which is what any reasonable person would have done), I decided to forge ahead and run to the landmark I had intended. Six miles, a very thorough and disorienting tour of Chinatown, and an hour and 15 minutes later, I was home. I also broke my headphones and narrowly avoided de-ear-ing myself when my cord got caught on a cyclist's handlebars as we passed each other on the bridge. Beautiful views though.

After my morning misadventure, I ate, showered, and headed out to run a few errands. I got new headphones at Apple and then shower shoes (plastic flip-flops) at Old Navy. The shower shoes are an unfortunate necessity: somehow, even after yesterday's apartment-scrubbing, the bottoms of my feet are still gross by the time I've walked across the apartment to my room after showering. And speaking of things that are unfortunate, the clearance room in Old Navy. Enough said.

Now I'm sitting in a Starbucks in SoHo watching drenched tourists hurry by, huddled under too-small umbrellas, plastic bags, skateboards, etc. The skateboarders are actually probably not tourists.

I start work tomorrow! I'm really nervous...

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